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You can register for a Free Membership, order or upgrade later for one of the following membership options

Free Membership

You get unlimited access to free membership content, which includes being notified of the Tetrabyblos plugin changes and improvements regarding its design, technical development and functionality features along with other things – like astrology and astronomy news and articles, and even ocasional freebies 🙂

Price: Free!

Just click in the followin button to create a free membership account

Bronze Order & Subscription – $77 (one time fee)

With this order and subscription, you are intitled to the current version of Tetrabyblos Astrology Professional Plugin and to have technical support and free upgrades for a period of one year.

The version will always be functional wheter you renew it or not. Only the upgrades and the support will end.

However, after that period, you can always – when you fell like it – renew the subscription being intitled, again, to the latest version ath the time and to technical support+upgrades for another full year for just $47 dollars. You choose “if”, and “when”. There’s no obligations whatsoever to renew.

At the moment, we are offering the Free Installation of the Plugin to new members which are having difficulties implement it. Contact us in that sense.

NOTE: After the payment you’ll receive an email that contains a special link to complete the registration. After completing the registration, you can then login and proceed to the Download Area where you will find the registered files for Tetrabyblos 🙂

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