Tetrabyblos Professional Astrology Plugin


Tetrabyblos Professional Astrology Plugin

The main product of our team, is this complete featured plugin, which allows both newbies and professionals astrologers to place  all the Astrology functionality and knowledge in their WordPress website.  It will be allways an unfinished work, since new features are requested all the time. But, for now, it includes the basic ones, even for advanced astrology.

You can purchase the plugin here (one time fee), and you will be notified of future improvements and/or corrections.

Important note: The secret of this plugin comes from the feedback of its users, so we expect to receive from you – also – that important input: new features or functionalities, new ideas, bug alerts, etc.


Tetrabyblos v2.7.0.0
Tetrabyblos v2.7.0.0
Astrology Professional Plugin - Version (april 27, 2021)


2019 – All rights reserved